
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vote for India

15th lok Saba elections has been announced. This election will mark the beginning of the new era in politics. People started to think rationally. If there is inflation increase, they are able to map the causes without blaming the ruling party. They are not allowing the sensitive issue to be politicised. Do not turn the pages of the past, just recall the fresh incidents. The terrorists attack on Mumbai was tried to be politicized, but people didn't welcome it. There are some people who tend to believe the false promises. The political parties differ in their idealogies ,yet they form alliance just for the sake of winning the votes. Many people braved their lives to bring freedom to India. There are still some non democratic countries like CUBA, CHILE, CHINA etc. We as a responsible citizen of India should exercise our franchise by casting vote. If we miss this precious oppourtunity, we have to wait for five more years. Now the swat is in our hands. Time to decide and act. Let us vote for our country and change the world.

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