
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Those precious Letters

Letters have been an integral part of the life for the people of the past. But, today nobody is willing to wait for a written letter. Letters of Nehru to his daughter Indira Ghandhi, are still kept in the libraries which tells how an interpersonal communication can be made professionally. They are not just letters, which communicates the wellness but teaches something.

Those short lines written along the money order form is already a happening of the past. The anxiety attached with receiving letters is a sense of beauty. Are we moving away from the beauty of life in the name of technology and advancement? perhaps those who had enjoyed those beautiful moments of life, might feel.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

copenhagen summit

wats our ultimate priority?

Is tat our climate? yes, says Copenhagen summit.
one of the crucial decision of what should follow the Kyoto protocol, is to be taken. We have already exceeded the permissible carbon emission rate. The developing countries, which are not in the side of agreeing to the emission reduction targets, are bothering the developed countries. Even India has declared that it will walk out of the summit if emission reduction targets are imposed on it.

The major developing economies of the world- India, China & Brazil are posing a big threat to the developed nations. what will happen if these countries does not sit for a negotiation. China has joined hands with India as far as climate change agreement is concerned. There are many issues that needs to be resolved bilaterally.

Issues such as carbon trading, trading conditions, mitigation, technology sharing and providing financial assistance to combat climate change. What we are going to answer for the island people. Maldives, which is adjacent to india is facing the real threat of climate change. The island nation is just four mt above the mean sea level. Any small increase in the sea level could drown the whole island.

How we are going to contribute to the cause? have we reached the point of no return. May be, but we are anticipating climate change, the future will face the climate change. Even a small contribution by an individual will help to a great extent...lets do the small change...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vote for India

15th lok Saba elections has been announced. This election will mark the beginning of the new era in politics. People started to think rationally. If there is inflation increase, they are able to map the causes without blaming the ruling party. They are not allowing the sensitive issue to be politicised. Do not turn the pages of the past, just recall the fresh incidents. The terrorists attack on Mumbai was tried to be politicized, but people didn't welcome it. There are some people who tend to believe the false promises. The political parties differ in their idealogies ,yet they form alliance just for the sake of winning the votes. Many people braved their lives to bring freedom to India. There are still some non democratic countries like CUBA, CHILE, CHINA etc. We as a responsible citizen of India should exercise our franchise by casting vote. If we miss this precious oppourtunity, we have to wait for five more years. Now the swat is in our hands. Time to decide and act. Let us vote for our country and change the world.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Global warming

Global warming, an alarming global issue .Hot debates are going on all over the world. Yet the awareness didn't reach locally. Somewhere there is a flaw in the flow of information from the experts and the common man. For instance, the mean sea level rise and the melting of glaciers have been projected much sensitively than educating the people to think socially.

Some facts to light up,
The cheap incandescent bulbs, which we are using so far contributes to the global warming.

  • The word incandescent means 'Emitting visible light as a result of being heated'.
  • CFLs use 75% less energy than traditional incandescents.
  • Europe has banned the use of incandescent bulbs from September 1999. In fact it was said that the sale of the bulb peaked on August 31 as many people in the Europe had bought those bulbs to show it to the future generation.  

It is alarming to hear the fact that the cows contribute substantially to the global warming.
  • Cow emits methane while digesting its food. Methane is 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide
  • Cows contribute 3 % of Britain's overall greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Humans digest their food through intestines but the cows with their four chambered stomach.

Most special lectures on global warming takes place in air conditioned rooms. People, who know the cause and effects of global warming, too refuse to contribute to the social cause. If the situation prevails, it is unreasonable to advert common people to act with socially responsibility.